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Day 5 - Mallorca, Spain

Today was considered to be a recovery ride. We covered 31 miles and rode from the hotel to the Lighthouse. We rode along a flat section of the Mediterranean Sea, then climbed a fairly short 6K up, flew down the other side of the mountain climbed another short 5K and again down and back up closer to the lighthouse. Along the way I stopped countless times to take in the panoramic view and vista of this magnificent island named Mallorca. Words can not describe where I have been and what I have seen, but let me assure you this island is made to be seen on two wheels! You see, in Mallorca bikes are not viewed as an irritant but rather they're seen as an integral part of the islands economy.

We ventured through another tunnel to be welcomed by the warmth of the sun shining directly up above the clouds that hovered the sea below. How cool was that to see a straight line of fluffy pearl white clouds just above the water and below the mountains we were climbing. There is only one word to describe the view.....awesome!

The lighthouse was still no where to be found........we kept riding at an extremely slow turtle pace with the intent of this being a recovery ride........right, lol!!! We twisted and turned up and around the mountain, rode with many a car who I am sure were anxiously awaiting the site of this so called lighthouse on the very top. Well, without any disappointment the lighthouse appeared amidst the winding roads. It was no more beautiful than our very own lighthouse in Montuak, but the journey to get there was what made it more beautiful than anything you have ever seen. I and all of my new cycling buddies were filled with excitement as we stood on the top of the mountain alongside the lighthouse. What a destination and what a sense of wonderment I was filled with as the beauty i was surrounded by enveloped my soul and spirit.....thank you Jesus!

Ok, back down and up and down and up and then the last crazy wide open decent spinning on flat land (finally) back to the hotel. Btw, Paul took us off the beaten path a bit and introduced us to an unbelievable water front with quant coffee shops and miracle mile type stores that rivaled the most exquisite old town villages in the world.

The weather seems to be getting warmer as the days go by. Yesterday was just about 70 and today it was just a notch above that. 

No other activities other than eating until I had to loosen my belt. 

I will end my post tonight by thanking my buddies for sending me and my lovely wife a special gift tonight. We came back from eating in town and found on our table a fantastic tray of strawberries dipped in chocolate with a huge bottle of champaign in a bucket of ice. There was a note attached that read, " We thought you would appreciate some recovery fuel!  Enjoy your vacation ...... Rob, Lester and Ryan. 

Boys thank you..........Irene and I loved the gift and swallowed both the fruit and bubbly down with ease!

Who's got it better than me?

Can't wait for tomorrow ride which is supposed to be the toughest of all. We are set to cover 130 to 140K and now I fully understand why Mallorca is the destination for so many pro teams and their per-season training.

Truly wish you were here,


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